GCI est mondialement reconnu comme étant l’une des principales sociétés parmi les “faiseurs” des marchés d’échanges et est reconnu dans l’industrie de la finance pour ces analyses. Celles-ci sont publiées régulièrement dans Multex.com et Reuters, et les principales institutions (J.P. Morgan, G.E. Capital, UBS AG, Lazard Asset Management, and Goldman Sachs) y souscrivent.
FX-MM, One Size Doesn't Fit All - February 2012ELLA FULLER, HEAD OF MARKETING, GCI FINANCIALIn the words of Henry Ford “any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black.” In the Forex industry the ‘one size fits all’ approach is, however, definitely not applicable. Ella Fuller, Head of Marketing at GCI Financial explores what questions you should be asking when selecting a Forex Broker. |
e-Forex, Broker Study - January 2012Scott Parker, COO at GCI Financial |
“No Dealing Desk” Execution ModelPRESS RELEASEGCI continues to innovate the Forex and CFD online trading industry by providing instant automatic execution on ALL instruments ALL the time. |
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