GCI is fully committed to supporting the success of our Introducing Brokers and other partners. In addition to white label customized trading software and full back back office and dealing support, GCI also offers:
GCI can permission any website to display live streaming Forex quotes, with or without the GCI logo, including major currencies, gold, crude oil, or any other instruments you specify. Below is a sample quote window:
IBs can customize which instruments are shown, the order in which they are shown, columns (Last, or Bid/Ask, etc), and more.
GCI's high quality trading signals can be permissioned to run on any website, with or without the GCI logo. The trading signals will show the same content you see on our Trading Signals pages.
GCI's Forex eBooks have been invaluable to traders, whether they are new to the industry or just new to our trading software. Now GCI offers a custom branded eBook to our IBs for distribution to their clients. This resource has been a basic but valuable tool for helping customers to start their trading. Below is a non-customized example of the eBook:
Both GCI's ActTrader and MetaTrader software platforms can be customized with your IB logo and/or company name. IBs can also customize spreads, commissions (if any) and leverage, as well as other parameters. The resulting white label software can be downloaded or logged into from the IB website.
To learn more and get started as a GCI Introducing Broker, please submit the form at the bottom of our IB Page.
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